Thursday, February 24, 2011

Library funding in California

The State budget in CA is a mess -

Huge deficits, proposed budget cuts, taxes, etc. Nothing new here - it is the news for the past few years.

But this year the Governor has proposed ELIMINATING all support for public libraries in the State budget. The total amount comes to $30.4 million. Complete elimination will devastate our Literacy programs, Library cooperative efforts and will endanger matching funds from the Federal Government. All when libraries are more important than ever and we are making a difference everyday in people's lives.

If you get laid off and need to look for work, where can you turn? The Library. We have resources to help you with your resume, career development, training and finances.

If you are a student and need help with your homework, where do you turn? The Library. We have the resources to help with every assignment and we also have an online service that connects students to trained Tutors.

If you are an adult who is functionally illiterate, who fell through the cracks of our education system, where can you go? The Library. Our Literacy programs work one on one with adults who want to improve their skills and be better able to function and contribute to our economy and society.

All of these services are at risk by eliminating the State funding for Public Libraries.

Calls and letters are needed to the State Legislative Budget Conference Committee to urge them to support the Assembly version of the budget. The State Assembly proposed some cuts, but left some funding for these crucial services.

If you can, take a moment and contact your legislative representatives and the Budget Conference Committee, and ask them to stand up and support libraries. To learn more about the challenges to library funding and how you can help check out this link.

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