Thursday, December 16, 2010

Library Spirit?

Brian Mathews, the Ubiquitous Librarian, had a very interesting post today, about Library pride and Library spirit. I find Brian's take on the User experience in libraries to be spot on, even though we work in different library realms - his academic environment vs. mine in public libraries.

He was talking about what he wants to accomplish by engaging his students and what his marketing and outreach efforts are really about - generating a brand and inspiring a sense of pride in the library. (And I have to admit that his reference to college football and bowl season resonated with me, avid football fan that I am.)

In many ways, that is what I want for the Huntington Beach Public Library too. I want everyone in our community to be proud of their library - proud that they live in this amazing place, with a fabulous library.

So how do you generate library spirit? How do you generate pride? These are some very interesting questions to ponder as we look ahead into the new year.

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