Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Libraries, budgets and hours of service

This past week, the City of Huntington Beach approved recommendations from all city departments for additional budget cuts this year. We found ourselves looking to cut expenditures again, because revenues aren't keeping up with projections.

This wasn't a real surprise and we aren't alone. This is happening all over. I've heard from colleagues throughout California about hiring freezes, budget cuts, reductions in hours and service. We heard similar stories from all over the country, where libraries were facing layoffs, closures and serious overall reductions. And the budget cuts keep coming.

Libraries in general are used to operating with lean budgets - We have done a good job stretching staffing, supplies and all our resources to maintain hours and service. Here in Huntingon Beach, we have done a really good job maximizing the return on investment in staffing, materials and programs.

This time, the revenue shortfall is forcing us to make hard choices. There are no easy decisions when it comes to cutting the budget. Working as a team, our Library managers pulled together a list of recommendations that would balance the reductions throughout our system.

We decided to reduce hours at 3 locations - Central Library will be closed on Sundays. The Sunday closure means a loss of 4 hours of service at Central Library. Helen Murphy, our smallest location will close 2 additional days, for a reduction of 14 hours and the Banning Branch Library will be closed one additional day, for a 9 hour reduction.

I know that these changes will have an impact. Sundays are a popular day and I know that closing will be inconvenient for some. We had to make some tough choices - closing on Sundays allowed us to maintain our others hours at Central Library and minimized our reduction of hours as much as possible. It isn't ideal. But then these are not ideal times.

Budget cuts and reduced hours are difficult for any library, but these changes force us to be creative, to try new approaches to service and to continue providing the City with the best possible library service.

1 comment:

  1. very disappointed that the central library will be closed on sundays. should open at 10am tue-sat that would give you the 5 hours for sunday! and close mondays if you must. have you looked at how many people are in the library on sundays!
